Basic Sanskrit Courses

Interactive Courses

Course Guide
Basic Sanskrit Courses Interactive Courses


Course Validity
year 1 Year(s)
Students Enrolled
year 8
Course Level / Mode
year Basic - Online
2024-10-12 to
Basic Sanskrit Courses Interactive Courses
Pravesika - 1 Interactive

Pravesika - 1 Interactive

Course Validity
year 1 Year(s)
Students Enrolled
year 27
Course Level / Mode
year Basic - Online
2024-10-02 to 7:00pm
Basic Sanskrit Courses Interactive Courses
Pravesika - 2 Interactive

Pravesika - 2 Interactive

Course Duration
year 1 Year(s)
Students Enrolled
year 14
Course Level / Mode
year Basic - Online
2024-09-30 to 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Interactive Courses Interactive Courses
Pravesika - 1 Interactive
Pravesika - 1 Interactive Basic - Online

"Samskrta Pravesika - 1" is an introductory course on the Sanskrit language is designed to teach to the learner the basic concepts of Sanskrit starting from alphabets, covering verbs and common words/phrases. This online course can be taken by anybody who has a curiosity to learn about this ancient Indian language, without any prerequisites.The Course starts from 2nd October. Classes will be conducted on Wednesdays and Sundays at 7:00pm every week.

Course Validity
Course Validity 1 Year(s)
Course Fee
Rupee 5000
Students Enrolled
Students Enrolled 27
2024-10-02 7:00pm
Interactive Courses Interactive Courses
Pravesika - 2 Interactive
Pravesika - 2 Interactive Basic - Online

"Samskrta Pravesika - 2 Interactive" is an intermediate-level course brought to you by the Digital Campus of Madras Sanskrit College. This course is taught to by one of our experienced staff members through interactive online classes. This course covers advanced concepts that take the student to the next higher level in Sanskrit education.

Course Duration
Course Validity 1 Year(s)
Course Fee
Rupee 5000
Students Enrolled
Students Enrolled 14
2024-09-30 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Interactive Courses Interactive Courses
Ankurah - Online
Ankurah - Online Basic - Online

The Madras Sanskrit College has developed a simplified course for learning Sanskrit which can be used to teach children in the lower classes (Classes 3 to 10).

Course Validity
Course Validity 1 Year(s)
Course Fee
Rupee 500
Students Enrolled
Students Enrolled 34
Interactive Courses Interactive Courses
Amuda-Tamizh Basic - Online

The Tamil language course is designed for beginners and aims to build foundational reading, writing, and speaking skills in Tamil through a series of engaging and interactive sessions. This course is ideal for young learners or beginners who wish to start their journey in Tamil language.

Course Validity
Course Validity 1 Year(s)
Course Fee
Rupee 2500
Students Enrolled
Students Enrolled 8